June and July

We have been grateful to receive encouragement and support from local chiefs and local government authorities.  Recently, with the shutdown of schools due to COVID-19, the number of teenage pregnancies has jumped significantly.  What happens when a young girl gets pregnant?  They will most likely never go back to school, with big implications- higher rates of maternal mortality, infant mortality, poverty, and reduced life-expectancy.  This has made national news and the government is scrambling to address the issue.  A few weeks ago, the Senior Group Chief addressed a meeting in the village that discussed this very thing, and he proclaimed, “Bright Vision will have to do something to address this issue with our children.”  It was a surprise to us, but we took it as a positive indication how the village’s leadership sees Bright Vision’s contribution to the area.  In response to this need, we planned a program to draw students from age 12-20 to nine meetings held at local schools in the area.  One of our partner organizations, SOS (local development organization), was excited about our program and helped buy snacks and drinks for the programs.  We had hand-washing stations, did our best to social distance (outside), and gave everyone a mask to wear (almost no one in rural areas are wearing masks).  Local chiefs, village development committees, teachers, and the local health officer were all present, talking to the students on the risks of COVID-19 and the importance of staying in school.  We also had four university students (3 from ABC) present the gospel to students and tell them about the hope that Christ offers in uncertain times.  By God’s grace, dozens of students made decisions to follow Christ.